Archive for 2014

Fifty Shades of Grey...

posted by Rhiannon

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Ok, ok. More like one. One beautiful shade of grey to cover up that eye sore that sits in our backyard.  And let me tell you, this new view is almost as satisfying as a three-book mini-series..almost.

I don't have a lot of pictures for this one because there is only so much one can do while to painting outside in the blinding sun while fighting off the spiders and the bees and wrangling two small children that were unusually interested in the the gallon of paint (No!) and sticking their hands in the wet paint (STOP!) and flicking the paint brushes at each other (Dear God Help Me!)



But my oldest and I finished it in the span of a day and I couldn't be happier.  And if you care to see where my inspiration came from, head on over to The High Street Market.